Maxwell Adam can supply all the commercial laundry equipment you need for sheltered accommodation. Experience has shown that ease of operation is the key element to meet the needs of your residents. As a premium partner of Electrolux laundry systems we provide the most robust commercial washers and dryers that are the easiest to use. The machines can be easily set up to show just the programmes you and your residents need, removing those you don’t. Clear and simple use.

Our machines have large and easy to read displays with single button operation plus audio guidance for the visually impaired residents. People want independence when carrying out day to day tasks and with our machines this can be achieved. Clear A4 instructions will be mounted on the wall so if anyone gets confused whilst using the machines, they won’t have to look far to figure out what to do next. We also provide free training to staff and residents so everyone will be able to get to grips with how the machines work.

Here at Maxwell Adam we have the fastest service in the industry, we will attend a service call within eight hours and at all times we average five hours. As a partner of Electrolux we carry most of the spares so would expect to get your machine up and running on the first visit.

Whatever your needs for commercia laundry, we serve a diverse range of market sectors and welcome all enquiries. Call us on 0333 8003400, email or leave details via our contact us page.

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