What is Wet Cleaning?

The Electrolux Professional Lagoon Advanced Care is a wet cleaning machine and laundry solution that is sustainable and fast. It offers outstanding results on the most delicate fabrics and fine wool – even those labelled ‘dry clean only’. This revolutionary wet cleaning machine is a much safer method of caring for your garments, using all the benefits of water with no toxins or chemicals added throughout the cleaning process.

Why Choose Wet Cleaning?

Not only are wet cleaning machines environmentally friendly, easy-to-use, and fast, it is highly productive too – meaning you can enjoy a fast turnaround on all your washing and drying – with a complete cleaning cycle finished in just 55 minutes!

What’s more, finishing time is minimised, with no unwanted creases to remove as garments smoothen as they dry – no hanging time is required.

Wet cleaning; however, is not just for delicate materials – it is an effective cleaning solution for all types of laundry such as suits, soft furnishings, curtains, coats, and even wedding dresses. And the machines can double up as normal washers and dryers too – should you want to make use of these settings at any time.

Who uses Wet Cleaning?

While wet cleaning presents an obvious alternative to the traditional dry cleaning method – our Electrolux Professional Lagoon Advanced Care machines can save hotelsschools, and care homes thousands of pounds. With these market sectors choosing to make use of thisgame-changing solution in-house, instead of outsourcing laundry, uniforms, and bedding off-site to be dry-cleaned, they can not only save large sums of money but also take advantage of quicker turnarounds and excellent results every time.

Want to see for yourself?

Is wet cleaning something you think could change the way your business does laundry? Get in touch with us today and we can arrange for you to meet us at Electrolux Professional HQ to see your garments being wet cleaned in front of your very eyes.

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